Friday, June 6, 2008

A Paper Dollar

29 Jun 2000 - A Paper Dollar!
I went to a fast food resturant, Wendy's, yesterday. Getting my children some Happy Meals at the drive through. The bill was $6 and some change, so I was handing the guy a five and a one. When I handed him the money the one blew out of our hands. (Don't worry I hopped out and got it. LOL) But it reminded me of a story about my Grandmother.
She was born in 1917 so this happened around 1925 or so. She was born and raised in the North Carolina mountains along with 9 brothers and sisters. So saying they were poor was a gross understatement.
She was asked to walk to the store and buy something. It was rare but the mother had a dollar bill as opposed to change that day. She gave grandmother the dollar to take to the store. I believe Grandmother said she had never touched a dollar at that point in he life. She was very excited and proud to be carrying a dollar. She wanted everyone to see it and know that she had been trusted with a dollar bill. So as she walked to the store she carried the money like a banner over her head for all the world to see. Like my dollar yesterday, the wind snached it out of her hand. Unfortunately the wind must have been alot more fierce that day. It blew that dollar away never to be found again.
I heard that stroy from my Grandmother 50 years after the fact. But I still feel sorry for the little girl that had to go home and tell her mother that she lost that dollar.


28 Jun 2000 - Pillows
Today the boys wanted to go to the toy store. Jordy had birthday money leftover and Jamison had a few dollars of allowance left and Jordy had offered to lend him $2.00. So I told them that once their chores were done we would go. They hurried around and got all of their stuff done. I was still working and they wanted me to hurry. I told Jordy that when I finished washing dishes I would still need to make up my bed and then we could go. Jordy wanted to speed up the process so he offered to make my bed for me. He did, and we went shopping. later this afternoon I went into my bedroom. Jordy had done a pretty good job. But one thing that I thought was funny. I have 2 pillows that are forrest green. Then to fancier pillows that are the "wedding ring" design that matches my comfortor. I put the 2 green pillows agains the headboard, one on Calvin's side and one on my side. Then I put the prettier pillows in front of those, one on each side. Jordy had put both of the green pillows together on my side and both of the fancy pillows together on Calvin's side. I guess in his little boy brain that seemed the way things should be, like pillows together.
Anyone that doesn't think that boys and girls are born different either doesn't have children of both sexes or hasn't paid attention. With no prompting from me Hannah is careful that her clothes match, and would have instintively put the pillows the way I do. Jordy and Jamison only get dressed because I tell them I would get arrested if they went around the neighborhood naked. Then when they do dress it is the first thing they put their hands on with no regard to color or style. They will go take a bath and put on the dirty clothes that they just took off if I don't check. Hannah on the other hand changes several times a day. LOL.
Of course there are countless differences. But these are the things I noticed today.

My Obit

23 Jun 2000 - She Will Be Missed By All (LOL)
I read about a writing exercise. It was to write your own obituary. At first thought that sounded morbid. But at second thought it is just a way of saying what you hope your life turns out to be.
So if I could have an unlimited obit what would I want it to say? I know one thing,,,,she lived to be very old but remarkably healthy and died in her sleep after a wonderful party. LOL.
Her 3 children and 10 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren survive Mrs. Calvin Sinclair born Jami Luther. Her late husband Calvin was a Chemist. (I think Calvin should die first, but only a little while before me, otherwise he might marry again and then I’d be jealous. LOL.) They were married for 65 years. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Irving Myrick who lived remarkably long, healthy lives. As a matter of fact Mrs. Myrick led the choir at church until her death last year at the age of 117. (I know that is ridiculous but I can’t bear the thoughts of losing Mom anytime over the next 50 years.)
Her children and grandchildren have all enjoyed happy healthy lives. Thusfar all of her descendants have been homeschooled. Among the descendants are ministers, missionaries, writers and many other honorable professions. And Mrs. Sinclair was always pleased that the children always had mothers at home with them. The factor that was the most important to Mrs. Sinclair was that all her family had become Christians, and lived the life God had planned for them.
Mrs. Sinclair was always proud to tell that none of her descendants had ever voted Democratic and the only “non-republican” couldn’t vote because he was an in-law and not a US citizen.
Mrs. Sinclair was an active member of her church until her death and was always a member of the choir. (She finally got to “retire” from teaching Vacation Bible School several years ago. LOL.)
It is reported that she did eventually learn to be a good housekeeper (hopefully before I hit 40) although this reporter finds that a little hard to believe. And just last year she finally made spaghetti as good as Calvin’s mom had. LOL.
After her children were a little more self-sufficient she started practicing piano again and eventually did get that last movement of “Fur Elise” down pat. She loved writing in her journals and met her goal of writing something everyday. And she continued to read several books a month until the very end. But we must report that she never made it through “The Idiot” by Descovski (sp? I have no earthly idea how to spell that name). But once she realized that no one in the book ended up even remotely happy she didn’t even want to finish it.
She continued to whistle 1940’s show tunes in the morning, much to Calvin’s consternation. And their on going battle as to whether to leave the window opened a little in the winter or closed was never won. Jami would open it, Calvin would close it, but Jami would go back and open it. LOL.
Her hobbies included music, reading, talking, and going out to eat, and going to the movies, writing and the computer. She got to travel some, finally made it to Europe. She was a good friend, daughter, sister, wife and mother. She had a good life.


22 Jun 2000 - Jordy
Today is Jordy’s birthday. He is 10 years old. Always on my children’s birthdays I remember the day they were born. I guess all mothers do that, seems pretty natural.
My pregnancies were pretty difficult, not like some women that come near death. But it was harder on me than the “average” pregnancy. Spent several days every month of the pregnancy in bed, and at the end was for the most part incapacitated. So I was really ready for him to be born.
I had just given birth to Hannah 11 months before. I remembered very well what certain things felt like. So on Monday morning when I got up and felt a “leak” I knew what was happening. I went to the doctor’s office. They didn’t examine me other than a BP check and listen to my tummy. They said that because of the baby pressing on my bladder the “leak” was urine. I didn’t think so, but he was the doctor. The leaking continued and I called them on Wednesday. They said no need to come in because I had an appointment on Friday morning. I continued to leak and called again Thursday. Finally Friday morning came and I got to the office. I told this other doctor about the leak. He wasn’t impressed, and repeated the bladder story. I got a little huffy. I said I just had a baby 11 months ago, and I have been familiar with urine and in my opinion it was amniotic fluid. So the doctor told me to get undressed and he would check. He did the litmus test and sure enough it was amniotic fluid. He said you have to go to the hospital right now. I said can’t I drive back home and meet my husband so we could go to the hospital together (the hospital was an hour from our home). Now this is one part that I found amusing, if I hadn’t insisted on the test I would have driven home anyway and if I had left the office and headed for the hospital alone that was going to be all right. But he wouldn’t let me drive home which was a shorter trip than the hospital. Anyway, I ended up having to wait at the office while Calvin came from work and got me.
I started having contractions on the way to the hospital. It had already been decided that I would have a C-section. The C-section was already scheduled for a couple weeks later. So when we got to the hospital we had to re-register. Well, this was 9 months to the day after Hurricane Hugo had hit. After no electricity for more than 2 weeks 9 months earlier there were a lot of babies coming that day. The maternity ward was packed. The children born during that time were dubbed “Hugo Babies”. After a lot of poking and prodding I was taker to the operating room. Jordan Browning Sinclair was born at 3:08 PM. The first thing he did was pee on the doctor. The doctor said, “Here comes the water works.” He weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces. And had a head full of dark hair.
I don’t know if it is just my makeup or if it is the fact that I had so many painkillers after the wreck but it is hard to put me to sleep or to “deaden” an area on me. So I ended up getting 2 epedurals. Then during the surgery they had to give me phenegrin (which does whack me out). Then got back to the room I had a severe allergic reaction to the epedural so they tried different medicines on that. Finally after 3 different allergies medicines and painkillers the doctor was sure I would go to sleep. As a matter of fact he used the expression “enough to kill a horse”. So about time all this medicine hit my system, they came and told me that Jordy was going to have to go to neo-natal intensive care. Turned out that because I had “leaked” for 5 days they thought he had a very dangerous infection. Well I lost it. I am sure that there had been woman in that hospital that had lost babies that behaved better than I did. I am sure it is because of the drugs. I embarrassed Calvin and scared the doctor. Finally, after me having a fit, the doctor had me wheeled while still in my bed and hooked up to all manner of tubes. He tough seeing Jordy would calm me down. Wrong. Seeing Jordy all hooked up to machines made me worse. So the poor nurses and Calvin had a hard night ahead of them. In my own defense I did calm down once the drugs got out of my system.
After 4 days the tests came back and Jordy was fine. We went home and Jordy has always been very healthy.
We make a big deal out of birthdays here. Calvin takes the day off and the birthday child has a “date” alone with Calvin and me. And they get to spend their birthday money. They we also do something with the other children and normally a few friends or cousins. Today, weather permitting, we are having a pool party.
Happy Birthday Jordy!

What's A Parent To Do?

20 Jun 2000 - What's A Parent To Do?
The preacher is still preaching on the family. Calvin and I were talking about the sermon yesterday while we were going to his parents for Father’s Day. We agree that we are enjoying the sermons and that we think it is needed. If people with good marriages don’t stop and teach younger people we can’t expect things to get better. With divorce and unhappy marriages being so prevalent, I would think a young person could grow up never having seen a good marriage up close.
This week the preacher was focusing on parenting. It, like the other sermons, was based on Ephesians 6:1-4. And he focused on “Fathers provoke not your children to wrath…” He gave 3 steps.
#1 Parents should encourage their children.
#2 Parents should discipline their children. a. Begin Early b. Think of spanking as a last resort c. Don’t lie about discipline (if you tell a child they will get a spanking for something do it) d. Administer it promptly e. Parents present a united front f. Discipline in love g. Never withhold love as a form of punishment h. Discipline with repentance as the goal i. When you do spank do a good job j. A child needs to realize that when they disobey a parent they are disobeying God
#3 Parents should teach their children.
I have a bumper sticker on my van. It says, “Every home is a school. What do you teach?” That goes along with that last point.

Whose Child Is It Anyway?

19 Jun 2000 - Whose Child Is It Anyway?
I heard about this family on the radio. They have a son. I think he is about 14 years old. He was consistently getting into trouble at school. The majority of the trouble came about during the lunch break. So the parents decided that the mom would pick him up at school everyday when his lunch break began, have lunch together, then take him back to school in time for his next class. Some days they would get Burger King at the drive through, some days it was leftovers from home and other days a sandwich at home.
Immediately the trouble at school went from 2 or 3 times a week to nothing. The boy appeared to need this one on one time with a parent. Then the parents got a letter from the principal. The letter said that it was disruptive for the boy to be taken out to lunch everyday, and that it would be no longer allowed. DISRUPTIVE!? NO LONGER ALLOWED!?
It is my understanding that the child was never late for his after lunch class. So what was disruptive. And as far as being “no longer allowed’, I pity the person, principal or no, who tells me I am not allowed to take my child to lunch.
I respect and admire teachers and principals. They have a very difficult job. But some people forget that the teachers and principals are hired employees of the taxpayers/parents. When a person drops their child off at school they are not relinquishing parental rights and responsibilities. I have gotten some comments from people who don’t know me when I say certain things, the comments are along the line of, “if you don’t like this situation you can put your child in a private school or homeschool.” Those of you who know me know that I have always homeschooled. So I don’t need to be told to homeschool. Although, I do welcome comments.
I told Calvin about this yesterday. We disagreed about it, which is very rare. So I feel sure a lot people won’t agree with me.
I don’t know the outcome of this. I was driving in the car when I heard it on the radio. I hope the family stood up for themselves.

Daddies Are Important

17 Jun 2000 - Daddies Are Important
Daddies are important. In this world of “Murphy Browns” and Rosie O’Donnels daddies are still important. I am not saying this to the cheapening of motherhood. I am saying that daddies are as important as mommys.
Jonathan Lindvall has a theory. And he will be the first to say that it is just a theory. He grew up in church. He is a preacher’s son. He went to church 2 times on Sunday, once on Wednesday nights, and to revival services several weeks a year. He also attended “Christian Camps” in the summer. He grew up hearing people stand up and testify. Through his 30+ years of hearing these testimonies he can’t count the times he heard a person begin their testimony with, “ I left the church (God, Jesus, the Christian life) and did all these terrible things. But Through all that I knew my dear sweet mother was on her knees praying for me everyday. And after X number of years I returned.” And I like Jonathan Lindvall grew up going to church 3 or 4 times a week and all sorts of revival services and programs all through the year. I heard that testimony more times than I can remember. What Lindvall never hears and I never heard and the many people I have asked never heard was, “ I left the church. Lived a terrible life. But I always knew that my dear old daddy was on his knees praying for me everyday. And I returned.” Lindvall’s theory is: could it be that if the father had been involved and there everyday and on his knees praying the child would have never left in the first place? Therefore you never hear that testimony because the child stayed “in the faith” and never had to return because they never departed. Whether that is the case or not I think it shows the value of daddies.
Another case I know of that shows the importants of daddies in a child’s life is something I heard Chuck Colson tell about. He knew of a church that decided that, as a ministry to prisoners, they would provide Mother’s Day cards and postage for them. They had 400 cards ready for the men. With in minutes every card was taken and more were needed. The additional cards were purchased and given out.
The church decided it was only fair to do the same thing for Father’s Day. They purchased 500 cards. They didn’t want to fall short like they had before. The week before Father’s Day they went to the prison with the cards. Two men showed up wanting cards for their fathers.
When asked why they were so happy to send Mother’s Day cards they answered, “I don’t even know who my father is, or I haven’t seen or heard from him since I was a small child, or why would I send a card to a man that abused me.”
These men had good mothers. But their fathers were absent or bad men. So as wonderful it is to have a good mother it didn’t out weigh the negative effect of not having a father.
God created it for babies to be born to a man and a woman for a reason. Children need both. We hear so often today that men are unnecessary. I just want to say that daddies are important.